Update (2020-12-22): As of .NET 5, ConcurrentDictionary
appears to offer the best read performance (benchmarks indicate that it is even faster than a normal Dictionary
), so unless you have specific requirements that only CopyOnWriteDictionary
fulfills (i.e. consistent "snapshot" enumeration) then you should probably use that instead.
Update (2020-03-26): Newer versions of ConcurrentDictionary
have improved significantly since I originally posted this article. It no longer locks on reading and thus offers almost the same performance profile as CopyOnWriteDictionary
with more features so I recommend you use that instead in most cases. ConcurrentDictionary
still has 20 - 30% more overhead than Dictionary
or CopyOnWriteDictionary
, so super performance-sensitive applications may still benefit from this. The original article continues:
I have been writing a ton of code lately that involves permanently caching objects of various types: generated type schemas, compiled expression queries, reflection lookups for MethodInfo
or PropertyInfo
, etc. Usually, these are updated infrequently in quick bursts, i.e. at application startup, when a new assembly loads, or when a new operation is invoked for the first time that makes use of items that haven't been cached yet. I always felt like the existing options were lacking in usability and/or performance and we could do much better - CopyOnWriteDictionary
is the culmination of that pursuit and represents what I consider the ideal dictionary implementation for use cases like this.
Analyzing The Problem
In the case of our database engine, while under heavy load some of these caches might be getting hammered by 16+ concurrent threads in tight loops. This was mostly a problem for the schema cache, which gets hit for every row that gets materialized. Picking a data structure to store these cached objects has always involved a performance or design trade-off that I knew we could significantly improved upon. Our options initially were something like this:
- Use
. Take the performance hit on every single lookup (which is substantial) due to read/write locking but allows multiple threads to read the dictionary without blocking.
- Use an
. Our performance testing has shown that this is basically never the optimal solution...it's very slow in comparison to the other options, even for just plain reading.
- Use a global lock on a standard
. Uncontested locks are pretty quick so individual lookups are much faster, but things can get dicey when locks start blocking concurrent threads.
- Use the standard
but treat it like it's immutable, meaning updates are always done to a copy of the dictionary (under a lock) and then the reference is swapped atomically. Threads that are just reading the dictionary don't need to synchronize access to it at all, so lookups are optimally fast at the cost of copying the dictionary when you want to update it.
We decided on option #4 for very heavily accessed caches that were updated infrequently. I created a CopyOnWriteDictionary
wrapper around Dictionary
which internalized the details of doing the copy and atomic swap whenever changes were made. Copying the entire dictionary for every single Add()
operation proved to be very slow though; adding 100 items one-by-one to an immutable dictionary that already has 1000 items in it requires performing over 100,000 inserts instead of just 100.
Coming Up with a Better Solution
My initial way of handling this problem was the obvious one - I introduced an AddRange()
method that only copied the dictionary once per call and accepted a list of items as the parameter. This helped write performance but meant that we had to batch together updates before calling AddRange()
, so we ended up predictively "eager loading" a lot of things that may not actually be needed. Some rather awkward and hacky code started turning up in places trying to batch updates together. Ensuring everything was synchronized properly while keeping the whole ensemble completely lock-free for lookups became quite an exercise at times, especially when cached items needed access to other cached items that might that actually be in a temporary batching collection somewhere waiting to go into the proper cache.
And then the "aha!" moment came and a no-compromise design for this specific purpose was born - CopyOnWriteDictionary
received a CopyDelay
property which changed everything. We could now specify the amount of time writing to the dictionary needs to be inactive before the copying operation is actually invoked and the "main" internal immutable dictionary is swapped. New items are first added to a lock synchronized mutable "pending changes" dictionary, and when the delay timer runs out then the copy operation is invoked on a background thread and merges the changes to the main dictionary. Since the main dictionary is immutable, threads fetching values from it aren't blocked even while the copy operation is running, so the world doesn't stop and lots of other work still gets done on all the other running threads. Lookups for values inside the main dictionary run at full Dictionary
speed at all times because no read synchronization is required. The only time locks are taken out for lookups is when the pending changes dictionary needs to be accessed because a key wasn't present in the main dictionary (which is usually very rare). Those lookups are still very fast though (they are just synchronized Dictionary
lookups) and the slow down on those keys is only momentary while they wait to be merged into the main dictionary.
One other benefit worth mentioning is that iterating over keys/values/both is normally very fast as well because we don't need to make copies of anything except pending items (if there are any, which usually isn't the case). As a bonus, you also get a proper point-in-time snapshot of the dictionary without having to do any locking during the enumeration, unlike ConcurrentDictionary
Everything is much simpler now because we can just add items to the dictionary whenever we need to (i.e. when we can't already find a cached item we need in there) and the batching process is handled automatically. We typically use a delay of 50 - 100ms, which is generally more than enough to ensure that any bursts of related Add()
calls get grouped together into a single copy operation and full performance for those newly added keys is quickly established. If you are loading cache items from a slower source like a hard drive or a network connection then you might want to pick a larger delay value.
The dictionary is currently append-only, meaning items can't be removed once they have been added. You can, however, update existing values using the indexer.
Usage Information
You can find the full source code for the dictionary here: Thread-Safe / Lock-Free / Append-Only / Copy-On-Write Dictionary
Typical usage goes something like this:
public class TypeDataCache
private static readonly CopyOnWriteDictionary<Type, TypeData> _lookup;
static TypeDataCache()
_lookup = new CopyOnWriteDictionary<Type, TypeData>() { CopyDelay = 100 };
foreach (var type in GetInitialTypes())
_lookup.Add(type, new TypeData(type));
public static TypeData GetData(Type type)
if (!_lookup.TryGetValue(type, out var data))
data = _lookup.AddOrGetValue(type, () => new TypeData(type));
return data;
It is recommended that you only call Add()
during initialization when no other threads have access to the dictionary. After that, you should first try to grab the value you need with TryGetValue()
since that's the option with the fastest lock-free and allocation-free path. If that fails then a call to AddOrGetValue()
will add the item or grab the existing one in a thread-safe manner. It's important that you consider the possibility that another thread may have added the value you were looking for in-between the TryGetValue()
and AddOrGetValue()
method calls. If you use this pattern and make sure you use the return value of AddOrGetValue()
then everything works properly with no possibility of duplicate key exceptions. A value factory will only ever execute once for a given key even if multiple threads call AddOrGetValue()
at the same time.
If you read often and write occasionally in quick bursts then this is the fastest concurrent dictionary available. Happy caching and be sure to let me know if this helped you out :)