BigDecimal is a fully-featured decimal type that supports arbitrarily large precision values. It has all the mathematical operators, string conversions and parsing functionality (with full NumberStyles
support) that you would expect from a complete implementation and performance has been highly optimized for values of all sizes. All operations are exact except for divisions which result in repeating decimals, and the behavior of all the methods is well documented so there are no surprises.
Singulink.Numerics.BigDecimal is part of the Singulink Libraries collection. Visit to see the full list of libraries available.
The package is available on NuGet - simply install the Singulink.Numerics.BigDecimal
Supported Runtimes: Anywhere .NET Standard 2.0+ is supported, including:
- .NET Core 2.0+
- .NET Framework 4.6.1+
- Mono 5.4+
- Xamarin.iOS 10.14+
- Xamarin.Android 8.0+
The package multitargets .NET Standard 2.1 for extra performance optimizations and .NET 7 for generic math support.
Information and Links
Here are some additonal links to get you started:
- API Documentation - Browse the fully documented API here.
- Chat on Discord - Have questions or want to discuss the library? This is the place for all Singulink project discussions.
- Github Repo - File issues, contribute pull requests or check out the code for yourself!